Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Reminiscing...that is what I do and always will. 
Brian and I are always saying things like, "Remember when Kade slept in the cradle in our room?"  or "Remember when we could put him on the blanket and he would just STAY on the blanket."  One of the main reasons that I wanted to start this blog is because I feel like I'm forgetting things.  I have been bad about keeping up with his baby book and baby calendar.  : (  So, hopefully the blog will help me keep up with Kade and all his cuteness.

 Along with remembering the past I have also been thinking about the future.  For example: Kade found Brian's keys on the table today.  He grabbed them, turned around and blew me two kisses then walked out of the room.  In that second I saw Kade at 16 leaving the house...going to baseball practice.  This was funny and sad all at the same time.  Funny because when Brian leaves the house he grabs the keys, gives me a kiss, and walks out the door.  Sad because I am NOT ready for this day at all.  I know I have many years till he is driving (which even thinking about my baby teenage son driving makes me hyperventilate), but seriously these past 16 months have flown by and I am afraid they are going to just get faster.

So for now we are living day by day and wishing they would slow down.  Maybe by the time Kade is driving they will have cute, fashionable (maybe with sparkles), hyperventilating bags.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Here goes... goes.  I have been wanting to start a blog forever, but I haven't.  Why you ask?  Well, I'm not sure.  So today...Monday, December 20, 2010 I decided to start one.  I was going to wait for my friend Jenny to update hers, but I have been waiting for awhile  (Shout out to Jenny..Hey)  Now I know there are many of many blogs out there.  I read several of them...there are some good ones out there.  My friends Adriane, Autumn and Christy write some awesome blogs.  (Shout out to them too).  If you are looking for an awesome blog with grammer and engligh mechanics all perfect...this may not be the blog for you...*Adriane and Autumn.
So Welcome to my blog and please be patient as I try to figure out how to make it look all fancy smancy.