Birthday Morning Picture
You are 2 years old. You weigh 26 pounds and are 35.5 inches tall. The Dr. said you were as tall as an average 3 year old. You wear 2T-3T shirts and 18-24 month pants. You are still tall and skinny. You go to bed between 7:30 and 8:00 now, and wake up around 6:30, sometimes you will sleep in till about 7:15. You take one nap a day for about 2 hours. You sleep with your green monkey. You Love green monkey. You still Love over sized, fuzzy animals. You are not a fan of Santa, because hello, that's just a man with a beard. You Love Yo Gabba Gabba and the Upside Down show. You currently Love to eat corn. You still Love your chocolate donuts, cinnamon rolls, anything with cheese, chicken nuggets, bread, yogurt, and anything that mama or dada have. Your